Welcome to our blog. A place where shrimp tend the garden by the window before scuttling away into the moss, where fish swoop above the washing line like swallows in summer, a place where snails chew on the curtains. Welcome to the Submerged Cottage.
As you can imagine, because we’re writing from such an aquatic point of view, most of our articles will cover matters of the aquarium. We’ll be taking a walk around the neighbourhood outside our cottage to meet some aquatic residents face to face and we’ll be sharing all we see and learn from our community. We hope to entertain, inform and interest you with our posts from the deep and encourage people to enjoy aquatic life as much as we do.
So we invite you to take a look around our site, check out some of the products we have on sale & follow us on social media to keep an eye out for our articles, videos tips & offers.