Monitoring aquarium conditions is an essential part of keeping Neocaridina shrimp, they are sensitive to changes in conditions like temperature, excess nitrites (and other pollutants) or too much or too little hardness.
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How is snowflake shrimp food made?
It’s as popular with shrimp as it is with shrimp keepers, it’s always fun to watch as it expands in water. You might be aware that it’s made from soy bean husks but how does it go from a bean on a plant stem to the flaky little pellet we put in our aquarium?
What is snowflake shrimp food made of?
You may have heard of snowflake shrimp food, you might have seen the snowflake pellets expanding attracting an onslaught of hungry shrimp. But do you know what they’re made of? In this article, we explain all about it.
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Why does snowflake shrimp food expand?
We were amazed when we first saw a snowflake pellet expand in our tank. We hadn’t been keeping shrimp long and received it as a sample from an online shrimp food retailer in the U.K. We decided to give it a try and as it swelled up, at first we were a little worried that something was wrong.
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Submerged Cottage
Welcome to our blog. A place where shrimp tend the garden by the window before scuttling away into the moss, where fish swoop above the washing line like swallows in summer, a place where snails chew on the curtains. Welcome to the Submerged Cottage.
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